Just like in life, business has many things that are never for certain. Life changes and clients move away, therapists have families, change careers, life happens. In my 18 years you learn to roll with the punches and as one door closes nearly always another opens soon after, but sometimes, things that are seemly set in stone can crumble away and leaving you wondering which way is up.
And this is what happened to us a few months ago when our product house of 18 years Darphin wrote to us saying they were pulling out of all salon and spa's in the UK by July 2018. I must have read and reread the letter about 20times, "How can they do this? What on earth am I going to do?". I slept on it (Well barely) before me and the girls rallied around and came with the conclusion "This is totally out of our control. We still very much love Darphin and the science behind it... but what if this is a blessing in disguise, what if we found something that would take The Secret Spa to the next level!".
So we spent the next few days arranging meetings with product houses to see what they had to offer. Team SS are always known for their hard work and pulling together when we need it most, and I have to say that the girls made this transition really easy. Each an every one of them read manuals did their own research and came to me with their findings. It would have been so easy to just choose the next in line but my girls know that the products they use are their tools and you always need the best tools possible. I am totally grateful for all their help and that this was a team decision.
The brands were dwindled down and there were two brands that stood out to us and everyone agreed this was what we needed. The science and pro-aging qualities of Darphin but not losing the sensorial experience our clients know and love. So it was agreed.......drum roll..... We The Secret Spa has chosen Carita and Decleor as our new product houses. We are so thrilled to be working with such dynamic products and cannot wait to show you all the new range.
Becky xxx